Georges and Myrtle

Georges and Myrtle

Thursday, 17 April 2014

Monday 14th April - St Malo to Guitte - The start in France

Early start into St Malo’s walled town for light provisions (trying to keep at least a full day’s food ahead of us). Some fairly busy roads got us out of St Malo and onto the Voie Verte No.3. The sun shone warmer than ever and the route took us through a beautiful rural landscape almost into Dinan itself.

Snacks in the Place des Champs, Dinan and time for just a little mooch around the Historic Town. Getting some miles under our belts, lunch was a little late in the day and make-shift with the picnic blanket by the roadside (at least some shade was afforded, as things were certainly hotting up).

Our total reliance, at this stage, on the cheap unlocked smartphone for navigation was just about paying off (with just a few frustrations) - it feels like the phone needs a name because in all other ways, it already seems to be becoming anthropomorphised.

We started to flag a little in the heat (and perhaps with the knowledge that we were now committed more than ever to the 1000+ miles to come). Still, we knew the campsite we were heading for and, had email confirmation that they were open . . .
. . . arrived around 4.45pm to discover that the camping village was open for nearly all residents and, campers would be included from the 1st June too!

After some negotiation and shaming of French admin, we became the sole campers that night!

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