Georges and Myrtle

Georges and Myrtle

Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Tuesday 29th April - Saint Laurent Medoc to Bordeaux - Pissing in the Vins
(Yes, we know it doesn't work like the other one)

When you need to go, you need to go so, why not make them more accessible!

Today would turn out to be the wettest yet! It rained non-stop and at times very heavily through the Medoc. Famous Chateaux, like Margaux barely got a glance as it was a day for pedal to the metal.

Disappointingly, it turned out that we'd brought the wrong sized bottle carrier!

Bowled into Bordeaux (Georges shooting the Feu Rouge in Myrtle's wake) fairly soaked to the skin but feeling strangely satisfied that we'd persevered through the worst weather we'd encountered so far (and were still smiling).
We'd booked into a city studio for two nights so all should be well with the dry-out and clean-up :-)

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